Friday, July 4, 2008

Address During Training

Amy Wilson, PCT
P.O. Box 29348
Kampala, Uganda

Exactly 1 month to go!


Jay said...

Hi Amy

Nice work on the blog!! Will keep in touch by checking it here and now!! :-) Will touch base soon over phone.. too much going on here

Much love

Tara said...

This is a very interesting way of keeping in touch! I will definitely keep checking out your blogs to see what's up in Amy's world. :)

Your friend,

lauren said...

yay! i can't wait to follow your life in uganda! love love to you!
love, lauren xoxo

Mom said...

looking forward to keeping up with you on your u bunches xoxox

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, as I told you before, I am so proud of you, I know you will do great job there in Uganda.

Love Fassil

Unknown said...

Hi Sista,
So my students and I received your post-card today! They loved it (So did I)! I went over where Uganda was on the map and we look at Africa. Everyone thinks what we are doing is very cool. Well, I am not sure what to do next BUT I will be sending you a snail mail message soon.
Love ya sis! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, Miss you already and you have only been gone a week. Cosette sends licks and Granpa and I send hugs. Take care, sweetheart. Love you. Gram and Grandpa

beautiful said...

hi lady, i can't believe you're already there - wow i forgot about the blog and was thinking 'where are the mass emails!?' but now i've got it book marked, will check in often and maybe send a few surprises your way :) i miss you oh how i'd love an amy hug!! i can't believe you taught your family bullshit haha that is so amy wilson. love love love you so much! are you cool with still communicating via email? i've got lots to tell! xoxo anna

Unknown said...

AMY!!! I miss you so much. I was thinking about you the other day and missed being able to talk to you about how life is going. The short version is every thing is hectic as always with the semester about to start. I am going to be teaching about 5 lectures throughout the semester and TAing another class, on top of doing research and class work. I am headng to Pittsburgh at the beginning of Oct. for a conference, which I am preparing for now, trying to get some research to present about.

Meagan is going to be moving out of the house probably by December, and that will make things a lot better.

It sounds like you have a great family to live with for the first couple months. Nice to have a "familiar" face around from depaul. At least something easy to talk about.

I love you tons. One of these days I will have to send you a real letter, and probably a care package once you get situated for the rest of your time there.