Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Site Address

Amy Wilson
P.O. Box 271
Kyotera, Uganda

For the next two years I will be working with Children of Uganda (CoU). CoU helps orphans and vulnerable children to receive access to education and quality to care. The organization supports OVCs (monetarily through sponsors) through primary and secondary school and in some cases university. Children live at Sabina Home in Ssanje/Rakai. The PCV currently at the site has done some amazing work and will be leaving some pretty big shoes to fill. I am currently at the site and hopefully will get some ideas as to my own focus over the next few days.


Tara said...

You must be enjoying all the different things that you are coming in contact with. Reading your blog makes me think how lucky we are in this country to automatically have all the nessessary equipment that we need to do every day things. The things we take advantage of again and again. It gives you a brighter outlook on life. What really matters and what doesn't.


Uwem said...

The work on OVC is quite a challenge because a they've got myriads of problems.
Health, Education, Poverty, Housing/Enviromental issues, Love/Family/Care, etc.
However, you need to apply some methodology in determining where to start. What will have the greatest impact on these population will likely be your best bet!
But the triad of Health, Education/ Poverty can be very cost effective.
I am not sure but i think health education and community mobilization can catalyse the process for you.
Sincere wishes....

Uwem said...

Hi Amy,

How are you doing?
Just checking in on you.
New issues and interest?
I'm in Nairobi presently.


beautiful said...

AMY! I bought a copy of the Atlanta Journal & Constitution for you from November 5, 2008 - the happiest day in American history (at least during my lifetime) :-D In fact, I bought like 15 copies and I'll send you more than 1 incase you'd like to give one to each of your families or something... I know Kenya has been celebrating, how about Uganda? The mood in general here is just lighter than ever, and it's suddenly a really proud time for the country as a whole. I thought of you on election night, and I miss you and your passion a lot. It would have been fun to witness the election together... I even had a bottle of Asti on hand but nobody to share it with! :-(

Anyway I'll mail the papers to the address you posted here, along with a little extra love :) Do packages go to the same address?

love love love